Wednesday, May 1, 2013

T-21 Days

So here goes nothing . . .

I'm 30 years old and (hopefully) completing my PhD in economics in the next couple weeks.  Anticipating an early mid-life crisis, I decided two years ago that this summer would be an excellent time for a getaway - chance to clear my head after the existential stresses of writing a dissertation and finding an academic position.

So two years ago, I decided that I was going to cycle across the United States.

The only problem with this plan: I had no experience road cycling.  My grand plan was greeted with guffaws and a healthy dose of skepticism from more seasoned cyclists.  But I figured I had two years to get ready.  I got a road bike and started riding, experiencing my share of accidents and mishaps in the beginning.

In May of 2012, I cycled from New York to Montreal - a five-day trip along the Hudson River and through the Adirondacks.  That tour was a tune-up and preparation for the big one.  Now with 21 days to go, I'm making preparations to venture out for a 50 day trek across the US.  In the coming posts, I'll keep you updated on preparations for the big trip.