Monday, May 13, 2013

Bear Mountain

My weekend ride out to Bear Mountain marked a final long-distance tune-up ride before I begin my cross-country trip next week. I got a late start Saturday around noon, but I was able to complete the 100-mile ride before sunset.  The distance and elevation are great for training, and a downpour followed by a subsequent steady rain made the conditions a bit more challenging. 

Typically, the top of Bear Mountain offers great views of both New York City and the Hudson River Valley, but as I climbed to the top, all I got was the view from inside a cloud.  The steady rainfall made the descent a bit more tricky as I basically rode my brakes for the 4 miles down the mountain.  Riding in the rain also leaves your bike a mess afterwards.

For those of you in the New York area looking for a good day ride, I would definitely recommend a ride up to Bear Mountain.  In addition to great views from Bear Mountain, a more leisurely ride in sunny conditions offers segments riding along the Hudson River, excellent food stops in Nyack and Piermont, and Revolutionary War sites like Washington's encampment at Tappen and Stony Point battlefield.